International students aged from 10 years to 17 years old can join a Summer Intensive English Programme: (June/July) in Telford for 3 weeks, arriving the last week of June and departing at the end of the 2nd week of July. The students live with a host family for their 3 weeks, we only place ONE student with a family. Families are very carefully selected and each family is visited by TSE and police checks are carried out on the host family. We have excellent and caring host families that have been accommodating our students for some years and do this as they genuinely want a student to live with them.
Every student will attend a local Primary or Secondary English school in Shropshire, they will attend these schools during the week days and at weekends they will be with their host families.
Students will also have 4 excursions during their 3 weeks in the U.K. visiting local places of interest, these trips can be on weekdays or weekends.
This is a specialised programme guaranteeing the student complete 100% immersion into English life with the advantage of studying in a British school, as all the subjects will be in English from 8.30am to 3.15/4pm and then the student will return to their host family. The student will wear their school uniform from their country each day to the British school.
They will have breakfast and dinner with their host family and a packed lunch will be provided by the family that they will eat at school. The family will do the washing and ironing for the student. The student will have 24-hour contact with a member from TSE and a Spanish teacher, in the event of any illness or any problem, a member of TSE can be with a student within 30 minutes.
At the end of their programme they will receive a certificate from TSE to validate their stay for 3-weeks with a family and school in Telford.
International students would have to subscribe/confirm to join our 3-week summer intensive English School programme by the end of January, as we have very limited places for these programmes.Early reservation reserves your summer place in a British school.